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Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin is a very powerful and highly addictive opiate drug with devastating consequences. Made from morphine, the effects of heroin may be temporary but very intense, leading to a strong desire for more of the drug. Physical dependence can manifest extremely quickly. Over time, addiction can become chronic and cause severe health problems, such as mental health disorders, liver and kidney disease and respiratory problems.

Millions of people worldwide are struggling with heroin addiction, but seeking help from healthcare professionals can aid in overcoming addiction and leading a healthy and fulfilling life. With more than 50 years of experience as a leading addiction treatment centre in the UK, our specialist multidisciplinary team is ready to offer help to you or your loved one. Reach out to us today or read on to learn how Broadway Lodge can support you on your path to recovery.

We’re here to listen. Contact us online or call us on 01934 812319

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Heroin addiction: Symptoms, family & health


What are the symptoms of heroin addiction

Heroin addiction is a serious illness that impacts not just the addict, but also their loved ones. Recognising the signs and symptoms of heroin addiction is crucial in getting the addict the help they need to recover. Signs of heroin addiction can include:

  • Constricted pupils
  • Needle marks
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Decrease in personal hygiene
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Erratic behaviour
  • Being secretive
  • Avoiding obligations and being unreliable
  • Slurred or slow speech

If you or someone you know is struggling with heroin addiction, it’s important to seek professional help and support. Contact us online confidentially.


The health risks of heroin to you and your family

Heroin is a highly addictive and dangerous drug that can pose serious health risks not only to the user but also to their loved ones. Individuals who regularly inject heroin are at risk of contracting infectious diseases such as HIV or hepatitis B and C. Heroin can also cause physical damage to your vital organs, weakening your heart, lungs and kidneys. The drug’s effects can lead to erratic behaviour and violent outbursts that put other people’s safety at risk.

It’s crucial to understand the adverse effects of heroin use to protect yourself and those you love. Seeking professional help and addiction treatment is the first step towards a healthier future for you and your family.


What is heroin and why is it addictive?

Heroin is an illegal opiate drug that is highly addictive and dangerous. It is processed from morphine, which is extracted from the seed pod of the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin can be smoked, injected or snorted. Once it enters the brain, it is converted back into morphine, which binds to opioid receptors, causing intense feelings of pleasure, euphoria and pain relief. These effects are what make heroin so addictive. Users can quickly develop a tolerance to the drug, leading to increased doses and a heightened risk of overdose.

Laura with Markkus

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How Broadway Lodge can help

At Broadway Lodge our dedicated specialists are fully committed to helping you achieve lasting sobriety. As a resident, you will have the necessary time and support to focus on your recovery and improve your mental and emotional well-being. Our team of nurses, counsellors, therapists, and healthcare professionals will be with you every step of the way, while your fellow residents will provide encouragement and support. From the moment you arrive, you will receive compassionate care from every member of our non-judgmental team who really understand your needs, some of whom are in recovery themselves. We offer inpatient detoxification for drug dependence and a comprehensive therapeutic programme designed to bring about significant and meaningful change.

Your recovery

Medically-managed detox

Using heroin can lead to physical dependence, where the body becomes reliant on regular use of it. Once physical dependence to heroin has taken hold, it can be very dangerous and even fatal to abruptly stop using it, so it is not recommended that anyone goes ‘cold turkey’ when wanting to stop using heroin. The safest way to adjust the body to abstinence is through inpatient detoxification where professional clinicians slowly reduce substitute medication until the person no longer needs any substances in their system.

At Broadway Lodge, we offer medically managed detoxification, which is considered the safest method as you will be monitored around-the-clock and if adjustments need to be made to the reduction plan, they can quickly respond. Our team of specialist nurses and healthcare assistants manage the detoxification and will support you to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible throughout. Once your detox is complete, they will continue to monitor you and support you with any symptoms you may experience as a result of stopping heroin use. When you are admitted to Broadway Lodge, you will initially stay in in our 10-bed Gordon Beard Unit, located next to our main house.

Alongside medical care, during your detox you will partake in a therapeutic programme each day which is led by a qualified counsellor. The therapeutic sessions will enable you to begin to address the psychological part of your addiction and these include individual counselling sessions, group therapy every day, assignments, therapeutic films and workshops. Auricular acupuncture is available during detox which aids relaxation and promotes healing in the body.

You can read more information about what it will be like to detox at Broadway Lodge here.

What our clients say

“Today I don’t need drugs or drink in my life. Broadway Lodge has built me up into a person, one ready for anything. I went in a broken hopeless addict/alcoholic unsure that I could ever change. I left full of life with the willingness to live.”

Former client

Your stay

Our therapeutic programme to full recovery

You will transition to our main house following an initial stay in the Gordon Beard Unit, to join up to 32 peers and immerse yourself in our comprehensive therapeutic programme. With the support of an experienced and qualified team of counsellors, healthcare assistants and therapists, you will explore the deep rooted issues you find difficult to cope with and your attitudes and behaviours will be challenged that you can begin to heal and make positive changes.

You will also work on the 12 steps programme and learn the tools to sustain your recovery after you leave so that you can continue your journey of growth in recovery. The structure at Broadway Lodge will enable you to develop a healthy routine and the programme is designed to nurture your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, aiming for you to leave with increased confidence, self-worth, self-esteem and positivity for the future.

Our therapeutic programme includes individual counselling, group therapy at least once a day, interactive and educational workshops, lectures, therapeutic films, meditation and exercise sessions and 12 step work which you will progress through at your own pace. There are also times you can relax, enjoy a walk with your peers, watch films and play board games. Holistic and specialist treatments are also available including hypnotherapy, rTMS (at extra cost), EMDR, massage, Reiki and auricular acupuncture.

While we recommend a 12-week stay at Broadway Lodge to gain a strong foundation to your recovery, you are able to stay from any duration between two weeks and six months. Learn more about how the life-changing programme at Broadway Lodge can benefit you here.

Broadway Lodge Addiction Rehab Get Help

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If you have a question or if you would like to find out more about our treatment packages, private admission, prices and staying with us, you can contact us confidentially through calling us on 01934 812319, emailing hello@broadwaylodge.org.uk or sending us a message and we will respond as soon as we can.

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Fast track admission if you book one of our private treatment packages

Recovery stories Hear Barcley's story

Discover what addiction meant to Barcley and how he overcame his fears with the help from the people at Broadway Lodge.

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