Broadway Lodge Supports World Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide is never anything less than a tragedy, so join Broadway Lodge on the 10th of September for World Suicide Prevention Day and reach out to people who may be struggling to cope in their lives.
Addiction is a tough subject to tackle and is one with which almost all of us have a personal relationship. Whether it be struggles within ourselves, our families, our partners or our friends, we all know the damage that addiction can cause to a life.
International Overdose Awareness Day – everything you need to know
Broadway Lodge is proud to announce support for International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), a global event held each year on the 31st of August with the aim of raising awareness of overdose across the world and reducing the stigma of drug-related death.
It is with some sadness that we said goodbye to Peter Smith at the end of June this year. Many who work in the field of addiction treatment, or who have come through Broadway Lodge, will remember Peter for his dignified and thoughtful professional demeanour and exceptional knowledge of the support that goes in to […]
Journeys from Addiction to Recovery: Research Study into Clients’ Experience of Change
At Broadway Lodge we pride ourselves on our focus on each service user as an individual, and on placing each individual at the heart of her/his own recovery.
Unnecessary prescription drugs could leave thousands addicted, doctors warn
Prescription drug addiction has been on the rise in the UK and across the world, with a 2016 study finding that almost one in ten British people aged 18 or over admit to a lifetime pattern of stimulant abuse and 14.6% of British adults admit abuse of prescription pain killers.
If you or someone you know is suffering with addiction and would like to make your first life-changing step towards recovery, you can speak to us confidentially on 01934 812319 or send us a message.