• Squeeze Frontman Donates Workshop

    We received a very special visit from a songwriting legend last week.

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  • Aftercare clients spread kindness

    Our aftercare clients have been getting creative to spread some love in Weston-super-Mare by joining in with local community project Weston Super Rocks.

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    clients spread kindness
  • Residential rehab closures

    It’s no secret that Government funding to help those suffering with addiction has been severely cut in recent years and is being stretched more and more.

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    Broadway Lodge from outside
  • Sue retires

    A much loved counsellor who devoted 18 years of her career at Broadway Lodge retired on Friday 31stAugust 2018.

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    Sue Grey
  • Party for Broadway

    On Saturday 18th August, counsellor Charma invited colleagues, family and friends to a party in the afternoon as a small fundraiser for Broadway Lodge.

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    party for broadway
  • International Drug Overdose Awareness Day

    Friday 31st August is approaching which is the International Drug Overdose Awareness Day.

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    broadway lodge garden bench
  • Calling all friends of Broadway Lodge (formerly the alumni group)

    We are extending the previous invitation to Broadway alumni to include family members and anyone else who considers her/himself to be a friend or fan of Broadway Lodge.

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    Broadway Lodge from outside
  • Youth group raises over £300

    The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a government funded, youth development programme which provides young people (age 15-17) with opportunities to gain new skills and experiences for work and life.

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    broadway lodge youth group
  • Free display banner

    We’d like to thank Popup Stands UK for our new pull-up banner which they have kindly printed for free.

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    Broadway Lodge from outside
  • MP visits Broadway Lodge

    On Friday 27th July, we were delighted to welcome John Penrose MP who is the local MP for Weston-super-Mare, first elected in 2005.

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    Broadway Lodge from outside