• CQC Report

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are a government body responsible for regulating and auditing health and social care services and establishments.

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    View of Broadway Lodge from arch in the garden
  • 12 Step recovery renewal retreat 2019 – taking bookings soon!

    Do you sometimes feel that your recovery is slightly jaded or that there’s something missing?

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    Broadway Lodge from outside
  • Broadway Lodge on ITV

    On the 29th October, Broadway Lodge was shown on a news feature on ITV Westcountry News.

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    Broadway Lodge ITV
  • The prodigal son returns

    We had an unexpected visit from Wesley Sobere all the way from Amsterdam last week, who came to show his gratitude for the treatment he received at Broadway Lodge.

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    prodigal son returns
  • Outpatient one to one counselling

    Broadway Lodge are pleased to offer non-residential, confidential one to one counselling sessions for anyone who is affected by addiction and seeking support.

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    outpatient counselling
  • New feature installed at Broadway

    Last week Stuart and Anthony in our maintenance department were busy working on a new feature for clients to enjoy in the garden.

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    new feature at broadway
  • Reunion 2018

    Well, what can we say?

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    reunion 2018
  • Barcley’s Marathon success

    In the summer we published a blog about Barcley Roberts, a former client who left treatment in 2009.

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    barcleys marathon
  • The 12 Steps for Atheists: It’s not necessarily the “God” you think

    Please don’t be put off the 12 steps programme by the word ‘God’.   It’s spiritual, not religious.

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    Broadway Lodge from outside
  • Event raises over £500

    On the evening of the Reunion (Saturday 22nd September), the Broadway’s Got Talent fundraiser was held, organised by Project Coordinator Wendy Ruddick and former patient David Rowland.

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    st pauls broadway event