• Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 3

    On Wednesday we shared the thoughts that an anonymous client wrote on their first significant event form, written on their admission day to Broadway Lodge.

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    Day 3 in treatment
  • Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 1

    By 10pm every night, clients staying at Broadway Lodge reflect on their day and write down an important event, feeling or action (positive or negative) that happened on a ‘significant event form’ which is one of several methods we use to monitor a clients’ emotional, physical or mental state.

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    Day 1 in treatment
  • Miracle Mansion Podcast Episode 1: Vicky’s Treatment with Dual Diagnosis

    It has been on our radar for several months and we’re really happy that our very own podcast is available for the world to listen to!

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    Broadway Lodge podcast logo
  • Coronavirus – we’re open!

    We are all currently living in unprecedented times as the health pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19) is present.

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    Open image
  • New brochure

    Our shiny new brochure is hot off the press and now available!

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    Brochure front cover
  • Welcome back, Caroline!

    We would like to welcome Caroline Cole who has been appointed onto the charity’s Board of Trustees, joining Richard Flack, Philip Gay, Chris Jelf, Catherine Sparks and Peter Davis.

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    Caroline Cole Trustee
  • NEC Success!

    On Tuesday and Wednesday this week Lee, David, Markkus and Charlotte travelled to Birmingham to exhibit at the annual Health and Wellbeing at Work conference at the NEC.

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    Event stand at Health & Wellbeing at Work 2020
  • Recommended books for loved ones

    Markkus, Head of Treatment and Counselling at Broadway Lodge, recommends the below books/audiobooks based around addiction which could be of interest and helpful to anyone who is close to someone suffering with addiction.

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    Recommended books for loved ones of people with addiction
  • A Life in Third by Jeremy, 10 months sober

    Jeremy, who spent almost six months at Broadway Lodge for alcohol addiction, has achieved over ten months sobriety.

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    Former client Jeremy
  • Surprise message of thanks from Dr Shanthi Ranganathan

    We were recently contacted by Dr Shanthi Ranganathan who undertook training here back in 1980 when Broadway Lodge was just six years old.  It was a pleasure to hear from Dr Shanthi, firstly, for still thinking of Broadway Lodge after 40 years but also because she has gone on to do some amazing work since […]

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    TTK hospital India