Nail painting
21st July 2022

Pamper Evening

Recently at Broadway Lodge, our Deputy House Leader (a female client), arranged a night for the women to all get together, treat themselves to some self care and to build stronger bonds with other females who were newer to the main house. She purchased snacks and drinks and provided all the equipment for a pamper night and explains in more detail the reasons why this was important to her, in her own words below. It was great to see the group come together and enjoy themselves in this way and spend quality time having fun which is an important part of recovery.  


Ladies Night! 

I had an idea of a ladies night. Self care is a massive part of recovery for women – when you start to feel stronger as a woman through therapy you want to feel better on the outside too. So my idea was to do a night where the women can be together and support each other to feel better on the outside as well as the inside. When in active addiction, how you look on the outside doesn’t matter anymore and is a big part of the low feelings. Also I feel when women are in rehab they are not very confident and don’t know where to start in terms of feeling better about their outside appearance. We all had a leg and foot massage, nails done and some sweet treats and everyone felt so much better about themselves afterwards. It led to singing and lots of laughter! It gave such a warm feeling seeing these girls who have been through so much (myself included), working on their best selves, relaxing and enjoying themselves. It was such a beautiful thing.