The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are a government body responsible for regulating and auditing health and social care services and establishments.
Following our most recent inspection at Broadway Lodge we are proud to have achieved a rating of ‘Good’ across all areas of the service inspected.
Comments made in the report include:
“Staff treated clients with kindness, dignity and respect.”
“All clients we spoke with said they felt safe. Clients described a quiet, calm and homely environment. Clients told us that the service had a community spirit and that everyone looked out for each other. Clients also said that the service was very structured.”
“Therapeutic groups addressed the needs of the clients and supported them in their recovery journey.”
“We observed staff interacting with clients in a respectful, caring and appropriate manner, both individually and in groups.”
“Staff were approachable and provided clients with help, emotional support and advice any time they needed it. The staff team knew the client group well and amended their approach to meet the needs of individuals.”
“Staff understood the clients’ needs, encompassing their different social and cultural needs.”
“There was good communication between staff and family members.”
The full report can be read by clicking here.