• Is coronavirus fuelling addiction?

    Coronavirus swept across the nation in recent months and government guidance has meant the majority of the country has been required to stay indoors with no contact in person with friends and relatives from other households.

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    Doodle drawings
  • Lockdown music video released

    We love hearing about the different journeys and achievements clients make in recovery following addiction treatment.

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    Former client, David, in music video
  • Adapting to coronavirus

    We’re open and pleased to be supporting people to free themselves from addiction whilst the pandemic is still prevalent.

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    Covid 19 image
  • Raise donations with easyfundraising

    Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Broadway Lodge with easyfundraising?

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    Easy fundraising logo
  • AXA approved treatment centre

    Broadway Lodge are now an approved provider with AXA insurance (provider number 10723).

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    AXA logo
  • Second dry house refurbishment complete

    Stuart and Tony in the maintenance department have been working hard since the coronavirus pandemic began and have completed the refurbishment of our second dry house located in Southey Avenue in Kingswood, Bristol.

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  • There will be no reunion this year

    We regret to announce that for the first time in many years Broadway Lodge will not be holding a Reunion in 2020 due to the uncertainty of coronavirus.

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    sorry image
  • The Salvation Army donate laptops

    Last week The Salvation Army, a Christian Church and charity, generously donated three laptops to Broadway Lodge.

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  • Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 70

    We’re sharing the 12th instalment of a series of blogs which follows the significant event form thoughts of one anonymous client.

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    Day 70 in treatment
  • Anonymous client’s treatment journey, day 56

    We’re sharing the 11th instalment of a series of blogs which follows the significant event form thoughts of one anonymous client.

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    Day 56 in treatment