Help for schools

For over 20 years Broadway Lodge has been going in to primary and secondary schools in Somerset and North Somerset to help inform young people about harmful substances and behaviours such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders and self harming.

Young people are among the most influenced from social and media pressure and so it’s vital that they begin to understand the effects of these substances and behaviours. Not only that, but we also get across how it’s OK to talk to someone about our worries, troubles and stress and how this can help avoid such situations.

Speaker using a microphone

How we can help

Life lessons for students

Typically, one of our counsellors kicks off the programme with a talk to half a year group (usually year 10). Amongst other things we cover the addictive personality and the consequences of addictive behaviour.

Students then split into smaller groups of around 20, with 3 or 4 of our current or former clients per group sharing their stories and answering questions. The full group then reconvenes and we share final messages around how to live a balanced life, and answer any outstanding questions. The sessions are then repeated for the other half of the year group.


“The visit made us, as young people, realise that we have to think twice when we encounter drugs and that the consequences of our actions and choices even at our young age can have massive repercussions.”

A student at Kings of Wessex School

“I just wanted to say thank you for coming and talking to my school (Heathfield Community School). I lost my dad to addiction a few years ago and although he was barely in my life it still affected me massively. It was nice to see the dedication and determination you have to help people fight addictions and come out looking at the bright side. Thank you for the work you’re doing, it’s truly amazing.”

Jo, Year 11 student

Would you like us to present at your school?

For more information and to enquire about booking a programme please get in touch with us here.